43rd MCE – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort has just come to an end. Comparato showcased many news that have been appreciated by professionals in the sector, man ...
Comparato new catalogues are out, the novelties of 2023 are presented: • General catalogue• Industrial catalogue• General catalogue 2024 The general cat ...
2023 is a year full of events in Italy and abroad, the most important fairs in the sector expect us: AHR EXPO ATLANTA: 6 – 8 February 2023 BIG 5 SAUDI R ...
The integration of Comparato Catalogue 22/2020 is out: a chapter that is entirely dedicated to systems for plants with Heat Pumps with solutions shaped on thi ...
Diamix PR and Compamix PR mixing motorised valves are used for temperature regulation and control of heating and cooling systems with radiant systems. PrTool ...
Comparato offers innovative solutions to all its Partners in the Industry sector, thanks to more than 50 years of experience and a highly specialized know how ...
Several Comparato products find application in the marine sector: the core business of the company is motorised valves, making possible the automation of syst ...
In our website’s DOWNLOAD area, under the name SOFTWARE, you can find the new Comparato TOOL: DimMix The evolution of the tool for the sizing of mixing moto ...
With reference to our business relationships and with the aim of providing an increasingly professional and efficient service, we are pleased to announce that ...
2020CONNECTIVE ENERGY: online November 25thTHE BIG 5 DIGITAL FESTIVAL DUBAI: online November 23rd – 26th 2021ISH DIGITAL FRANKFURT: online March 22nd ...
Our new PRICE LIST 22/2020 will enter into force starting from 15th October 2020. Request a copy in pdf or Excel format to Our Office: info@comparato.com. Sho ...
Let’s have a look to the news that Comparato has introduced in the last few months, in order to improve the existing products and introduce new ones: HVAC: ...
During 2019 and 2020 Comparato will attend many local and international exhibitions: 2019 FIERE ZOOTECNICHE INTERNAZIONALI DI CREMONA: from 23rd to 26t ...
Diamant / Compact / Universal Smart are the new multifunction rotative actuators designed and manufactured for the industrial sector. Thanks to the use of ste ...
PICV SINTESI and 6-WAYS SINTESI , continuous innovation
The motorized valve named SINTESI, thanks to the introduction of servocontrols with new technologies, expands its horizons of application from the simple on/o ...
Ecokam T is the new version of hydraulic interface between solid fuel boiler and gas boiler. After a re-engineering of the product, the operating logics chang ...
The new high performance actuators for motorised valves with IP68 protection, designed for permanent immersion, complete the PRO range. Main features: • Wat ...
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