Spring News 2020
Let’s have a look to the news that Comparato has introduced in the last few months, in order to improve the existing products and introduce new ones:
HVAC: in the HVAC fields, the Sintesi range became bigger, with two new products. Sintesi DC (direct current) is becoming more and more popular on the market also because it can be combined with the 6-way valve for 4-pipe systems. Sintesi Smart is now also available with electrical supply 230V AC and the possibility of MODBUS RTU communication: Comparato suggests the combination of this actuator with the PICV for the system balancing.
DIAMIX and COMPAMIX mixing valves had an important upgrade of their functions: they can be controlled by MODBUS RTU protocol, they can be provided with the climatic function also with high temperature systems and they can receive 0-10V signal in order to decide the temperature set-point. Same functions for the PR range that can use the MODBUS RTU protocol.
Comparato, who has always paid great interest in direct energy metering and HIUs, is ready to offer customised products and it is now a point of reference in the retrofit field as it can propose “Plug&Play” solutions with exactly the same functions and dimensions of old units.
Also, the components for heating plants such as manifolds and compensators can be customised and produce according to Customer’s drawings, both in iron and stainless steel.
The new DIAFIL strainer entered the family of iron components and mud separators DIADEF; the well-known PUMP GROUPS go alongside with the new BOILER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS: they are pre-assembled units in a box provided with manifold and compensator, available in three versions: direct, fixed point mixing and modulation mixing.
Thanks to the cooperation with designers and technical planners, Comparato developed pre-assemble kits such as the ECOPOOL, a solution to use alternative energies for pool heating, or the HIU for energy metering of the recirculation circuit, compliant with MID rules.
DOMESTIC HOT WATER: DIAMIX mixing valves are now available as “FAST VERSION” to be combined with ½” ball valve that can be used in plants without recirculation.
Anti-legionella mixing valves DIAMIX L and COMPAMIX L have now a software to save the data related to the disinfection cycles: thanks to the MODBUS RTU protocol and the new user-friendly Comparato software you can also download the data and make all the relevant considerations/analysis.
INDUSTRIAL FIELD: although the company was already well-known in this field, Comparato decided to widen the offer and developed the new multi-function SMART PRO actuators: stepper motors for high-precision regulation, FAIL-SAFE option for emergency closure / opening in case of black-out, WI-FI or MODBUS RTU communication, possibility of changing the manoeuvring angles are just some of the feature available.
All Comparato products with MODBUS RTU communication protocol are suitable for integration in the Building Automation Systems (BMS).